Thursday, May 17, 2007


I was 11 years old the day Elvis died, August 16th, 1977. It was a warm and sunny day.

I was trying to install a little am-fm radio on my bicycle…lol..when my mother got out of the house and told me Elvis was dead.

I was not an Elvis fan at the time. In fact I barely knew Elvis. I knew him mostly as an actor. There was Elvis movies on T.V on a regular basis and my aunts used to watched them and told me about Elvis, about the fifties, the way Elvis moved on stage back then. They were also showing me recent pictures of the King, I could see the man was in bad shape and that he didn’t look like the Elvis I knew from the movies.

My mother had one Elvis record, a single with on one side, Kiss me quick and on the other, Suspicion that I used to listen once in a while as part of other records she had.

When she told me Elvis died, I got into the house and listened to this record.

The T.V was on and I remember there was a special report about the sudden death of Elvis.

The next day, my mother and I went to the grocery store and I saw a newspaper, a special edition about Elvis. She bought it so I spent a couple of days reading about Elvis’s life.

A few days later, she bought another newspaper and a magazine..and later during the week…another one.. and another

A couple of weeks later my family and I went shopping in a little town nearby. In a general store, I saw this greatest hits album “ Elvis, les 40 plus grands succès”. I wanted it so so.. my mother bought it and…that day…that day…I became an Elvis fan… forever...